Senior Agent lets you pick between Recharge, refilling 1 Charge once you render an enemy unconscious with Charged Bash, and Resonance Field, giving allies 15 Aim when you put a Kinetic Shield on them.Special Agent grants Overload, letting Cherub store 3 charges and gain bonus Mobility when fully charged.Once Cherub is attacked, the guard is broken. Field Agent let's you choose between Generator, where he gains 1 Charge at the end of each encounter, and Guard, granting +1 Armor, half cover bonus even if flanked and become half cover for friendlies.

Cherub will not only block all damage, but also gain 1 Charge for each attack. Deputy Agent grants Phalanx, an active ability for breach points where enemies focus fire on Cherub ignoring other XCOM units.His pistol isn't really that powerful, but the shield, and its related abilities certainly come in handy in every step throughout the campaign.Ĭherub's abilities during promotions are the following: Plus, Terminal can always hack security doors, where there's usually less aggressive enemies.Ĭherub is also part of the initial squad, and will serve as your first line of defense as a tank of sorts. Once you have all of her abilities, she won't likely get scars as he will always heal herself up during the first encounters (no counting the last one where the mission ends), and Second Wind is an extremely helpful skill that can give you that much needed recovery when several agents are hurt. Terminal proved to be an invaluable unit in every mission. Our choices were Sustain and Cooperation, but Armor System will also come in handy for the later levels, so that one is up to you. Lastly, Principal Agents grants the Second Wind skill, which restores 4 HP to all allies, cleansing Burning, Acid, and Poison effects too, along with stabilizing allies who are bleeding out.
#Chimera squad full#